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How to delete blank pages in Ms-word

In order to delete a page/pages that contains text, graphics or other content in MS Word, you can follow the steps mentioned below: –

For Windows

  • STEP 1: Click anywhere in the page you want to delete
  • STEP 2: Next step is to press Ctrl + G on Windows. You’ll be now in “Go To” tab of the “find and replace” window.
delete a blank page in word
  • STEP 3: In the enter page number box, type the page number you want to delete.
how to delete a blank page in word
  • STEP 4: Press enter on the keyboard and then select close.
  • STEP 5: Verify that the page is selected and then press Delete.
how to delete a blank page in word

For MacOS

  • STEP 1: Click anywhere in the page you want to delete.
  • STEP 2: Press Ctrl + command + G on Mac.
how to delete blank page in macOS
  • STEP 3: In the enter page number box, type page number you want to delete.
how to delete blank page in macOS
  • STEP 4: Press enter on the keyboard and then select close.
  • STEP 5: Verify that the page is selected and then press Delete.
how to delete blank page in macOS


For Windows

Follow these steps: –

  • STEP 1: Click anywhere on the page that you want to delete, now go to home and click on show/hide icon (¶) or press Ctrl + *.
how to delete pages in between or end of the pages
  • STEP 2: Now click on view tab and select the draft option.
how to delete pages in between or end of the pages
  • STEP 3: Then select the paragraph icons/page break on the blank page and press delete.
how to delete pages in between or end of the pages
  • STEP 4: Again, click on view tab and click print layout option.
how to delete pages in between or end of the pages

The blank page is no more present on your word document now.

For MacOS

All the steps are same just as they were in windows, but for your convenience, following are the steps to do so:

  • STEP 1: Click anywhere on the page that you want to delete, now go to home and click on show/hide icon (¶) or press Ctrl + *.
  • STEP 2: Press ⌘+8 on Mac.
  • STEP 3: Then select the paragraph icon/page break on the blank page and press delete.

The blank page is now removed from your word document.

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